Thursday, 6 September 2012

Cancer Treatment At Ayushmaan

1. Identifying the exact cause.
2. Identifying the stress creating factors.
3. Identifying the factors affecting the immunity.
4. Identifying the disturbance in the production of dhatus.
5. Identifying the cause of production of vikrut dhatus.
6. Identifying the effect of vikrut dhatus on the body and various organs.
7. Helping the person to correct the digestive system.
8. Correction of production of various elements such as rasa,raktha, mamsa,meda( Lymph, Blood, Muscles and Fats)
9. Helping the people to get control over the stress and psychological problems which are effecting digestion.
10. Helping people to develop the proper immunity.
This process is a very long process and needs continues observation. Minimum period to correct the process is 3 yrs. Long treatment is needed to manage cancer.

Now a days in the treatment of cancer it is seen that after completion of Chemotherapy or radiotherapy or operation , The people wait until the symptoms are seen again or the tests become positive or they get any thing in reports. Due to the treatments the cells become less to be detected or the present cells are killed. But the tendency of the body to develop these type of cells remains unchanged. These needs metabolic correction. We in AYUSHMAAN Help such patients to regain their strength and help them to correct their metabolism. With the help of ayurved treatment we also help them to change the bodies tendency to develop the carcinogenic cells through Rasayan therapy and panchakarma therapy.

As we know the body develops the tendency of formation of carcinogenic cells due to metabolic disorder. Due to this the malfunctioning of cells takes place. During the management of cancer in AYURVED way we take in consideration the causes of the Metabolic Disorders . We go to the route where the cell formation takes place. This helps in controlling the formation of carcinogenic cells. This takes time but by going in deep and using the herbal drugs mentioned in the rasayan and vajikaran treatments along with the drugs working on particular elements of which the affected organ is made of we can get control over the disease.

Sunday, 8 July 2012


Stomach Cancer

Causes: -
 We see that there are many reasons for cancer of stomach. The main reasons for the stomach cancer are chronic acidity, chronic irritation in abdomen, chronic constipation, wrong eating habits, junk foods, eating of improper combinations, eating more and more frequently without having hunger, eating late nights, Consummation of alcohol, smoking habits, more stress, depression, habit of unnecessary thinking and many more psychological causes. There are many reasons which are not mentioned here.
What happens: -
Due to these causes there is imbalance of energy and digestion in various levels of elements. Mainly the blood, muscles and fat metabolism is disturbed. Due to this the formation of these elements is disturbed. Malformation of these elements takes place and the mutation of cells take place and the cells of different categories are formed. These cells grow in improper manner which is called cancer. 
Depending on the cause of the cancer and cause of mutation we try to correct the metabolism of the elements of blood, muscles and fats. Along with this we also try to correct the imbalance in the vatta , pitta and kapha doshas. Rasayan treatment is given to help the elements to rejuvenate and form in good way. It is the type of supplements given to replace various base of elements. Every individual is treated in psyco-somatic way. Mediation treatment is given to the patients to overcome the psychological factors and its impressions.